Meet Connect Share

Product takes social and business relationships from offline to online in the fastest and easiest way.
The Problem
The Insight
Offline-to-Online Market
Introducing Flimet
Flimet Cards
Motion-based UI Sharing
Product Design
Digital User Experience
iOS User Interface Design
Watch Experience
Watch User Interfaces
The Flimet Brand
Zihan Chen
Product Designer
Visual Designer
Design Researcher
This is an independent project.
User Research
Product Innovation
Interface Design
Interaction Design
User Experience Design
Visual Design
The Problem
Over 92% of smartphone users had negative offline-to-online networking experiences.
From trying to yell out your contact information at a lively party without any phone signal to preventing giving away your number to a stranger, by researching and interviewing with over 1300 smartphone users with different backgrounds and occupations, It was found that the current ways of offline-to-online connection for both social and business networking are:
"Social media influencers want to share as many handles as possible in a faster and easier way."
"Every time I go to a convention I unlock my phone so many times for sharing cards and it always dies."
"I don't know what social apps people use or have. and I don't want to give Snapchat to certain people."
Name cards
"Really? I haven't seen those in quite some time." "Yuck, I hate cards. Are people still living in caves?"
The Insight
2/3 negative experiences are the result of inconvenient contact or file sharing.
Research indicates that the majority of smartphone users want a faster way to make contact with someone online and a faster file sharing method.
Offline-to-Online Networking Market
It's unbelievable that no product has solved this problem, which happens to people every day.
Analysis on the five key aspects, based on the takeaways from the researches and interviews (Contact Card Sharing Customization Capability, Social Media Integration Capability, Authentication and Sharing Method Efficiency, Internet Connection Requirement and Cross Platforms Capability) of the current popular products of contact and file sharing in both social and business market shows an opportunity.
*Bump was acquired by Google and the service was discontinued in January 2014.
Name Cards
Social Media Integration
Not Available
Internet Connection
Not Required
Operating System
iOS Only
Name Cards
Social Media Integration
Not Available
GUI / QR Code
Internet Connection
Not Required
Operating System
iOS / Android
Name Cards
Social Media Integration
Not Available
GUI and Gesture
Internet Connection
Operating System
iOS / Android
Name Cards
Social Media Integration
Not Available
GUI / QR Code
Internet Connection
Not Required
Operating System
iOS / Android
Name Cards
Social Media Integration
Linkedin Only
Internet Connection
Operating System
iOS / Android
Name Cards
Social Media Integration
Internet Connection
Operating System
iOS / Android
Introducing Flimet
To provide the fastest and easiest way to share in between smartphones users offline.
Flimet is a product designed for all smart device users for sharing contacts, photos, and files offline. It is designed for a broad audience that touches on both social and business users.
Within the 3D illustration, the height (Z-Axis) indicates the authentication and sharing efficiency, evaluated based on the average time need to be spent to share a contact and a file from the smart device. The higher along the Z-Axis, the higher the efficiency and the less time need to be spent.
About Flimet
It is the game-changer of sharing at the post-offline-to-online age.
Flimet solves user pain points with its Flimet Cards and Motion-Based User Interaction. These features change file sharing and offline-to-online personal contacts.
Flimet Cards
Cards are like bridges: they are never destinations but accessible links over obstacles.
Flimet cards are designed to be light and customizable for easier and more powerful connections.
They are designed with both privacy and power, while the user retains full control over them.
Over 63% of smartphone users interviewed were "unwilling" to share their contacts with certain people when asked. And over 55% of them created multiple contact cards for different people.

Flimet intelligently enables users to create multiple cards for different occasions. It remembers and recommends card choices based on user activity, time and location.
Motion-based UI Sharing
Connecting online with someone you meet is as easy as turning over your phones.
Flimet leverages unique motion-based device authentication to push the boundaries of how we exchange information offline between people. It overcomes traditional GUI interactions, which are inefficient and result in poor user experiences.

Device authentication and data exchange initiated by motion is patented in US Patent 9949124.
Offline-sharing allows for reliable interactions without constraints due to location or time.
All cards, photos, and files are shared offline while connected through Bluetooth and/or NFC. Then they can be uploaded and backed up to the server.
Product Design
Filmet was designed to execute offline-to-online connection seamlessly.
Below is the result of early-stage product development ideation.
Before Meeting
1.1 Download and Sign Up / In
1.1.1 Sign up with Phone Number / Email / Third Parties
1.1.2 Sign in with Phone Number / Email / Third Parties
1.2 Create Customized Name Card(s)
1.2.1 Set up Multiple Name Cards with Different Contents
1.2.2 Preview Multiple Name Cards
1.3 Set up Sharing Preferences
1.3.1 Set up Name Cards / Images / Files Sharing Preferences
When Meeting
2.1 Initiate Name Cards / Images / Files Exchanges
2.1.1 Perform Gesture(s)
2.1.2 (Optional) Confirm Connection(s)
2.2 Finish Name Cards / Images / Files Exchanges
2.2.1 (Optional) Perform ID Authentication after the Connection
2.2.2 (Optional) Name Cards / Images / Files Selection
2.2.3 (Optional) Confirm Transfer(s) of Name Cards / Images / Files
2.2.4 Confirm Receipt(s) of Name Cards / Images / Files
After Meeting
3.1 Review Sent Contacts from Meetings
3.1.1 Delete / Track Sent Name Cards / Images / Files
3.2 Review Received Contacts from Meetings
3.2.1 Review / Delete Received Name Cards / Images / Files
3.2.2 Open / Save / Share Received Links / Images / Files
3.3 Review All Meetings
3.3.1 Review a List / Reports on the History of All Meetings
Digital User Experience
Flimet challenges the experience of digital sharing while preserving its logic well.
Flimet meets all user expectations for a card / photo / file sharing product (including searching, selecting, sending, receiving, reviewing and indexing) while exceeding expectations and improving their user experiences with motion interaction.
Centered around sharing, the experience presents an extremely clean hierarchy and consistency.
With the sharing experience of "sending and receiving cards / photos / files" being its core, other peripheral experiences such as card creation and content indexing were designed closely under the frame of sharing.
iOS User Interface Design
The Interfaces were designed to support the sharing experience.
Flimet app interfaces were built from the ground-up, for all iOS users, adhering to iOS design guidelines
UI Layers
Layers create better navigation for a faster sharing experience. The sharing page, for example, has three layers to centralize tasks while keeping the interface clean and navigable.
UI Colors
Besides layers, Flimet uses colors to guide the user’s focuses on what matters the most during any interaction, within each of the hundreds of different interfaces.
UI Icons
Customized and made from scratch, the icons are minimal and clear in assisting the navigation.
User Interfaces
All user interfaces were created with the highly intuitive and uniformed design pattern, visually and conceptually.
Below is a selection of the key iOS Flimet interfaces both inside and outside the app.
Share Page
Cards Pages
Contacts Pages
Activities Page
Settings Pages
Sign-up / Sign-in Pages
iOS Ecosystem
3D Touch
Flimet on Smart Watches
User accessibility and control are brought to a whole new level.
Flimet is also ideal for watches. Just flip your wrist to share your card.
Watch Experience
Flimet provides an independent and seamless experience on smart watches.
This experience was designed together with iOS interfaces from day one.
Watch User Interfaces
Flimet retains its clean navigation on smaller screen sizes.
With limited interactions, watch interfaces were created under a new design system, following the Apple WatchOS design guidelines, with the same goal: to make accessible and understandable structures with findable and readable information.
Share Pages
Share Pages
Share Pages
Cards Pages
Contacts Pages
WatchOS Ecosystem
The Flimet Brand
Content Coming Soon
Nimble. Brilliant. Powerful.
Go to Flimet Brand to view the brand design of Flimet through visual identities and marketing campaigns that were designed to target different users with different product features.
Third-party trademarks mentioned on this website are the property of their respective owners.
© 2019 Zihan Chen