
Impact Your Mind

iOS game received over 50k downloads worldwide the day after being published.
About the Game
Game Design
Visual Language
Interaction Design
Profit Model
Global Achievements
Press Recognitions
Zihan Chen
Game Designer
Creative / Art Director
Product Designer
Product Manager
Ryan Li
Creative Technologist
Francis Huang
Game Design
User Interaction Design
User Experience Design
Instruction Design
‍Mobile Development
About the Game
Crater is a minimal puzzle that is created simply based on the numbers 1 to 10.
Game Design
Each of the 64 game levels are handcrafted and presented to the players with twists of fun.
"Crater challenges your ability of estimation and tests your judgement on the overall numerical pattern.”
- recommended by SSPAI
Visual Language
3D illustrations help players understand the game easily while adding to the branding.
Interaction Design
Interfaces were redesigned completely to provide an even easier and faster navigation.
Based on the user feedbacks, major changes were made from Version 1.0.1 to 1.2.1. Menu was restructured from a vertical layers (Version 1.0.1) to horizontal tiles (Version 1.2.1).
Version 1.0.1
Menu Interaction
Game Paused
Version 1.2.1
Levels / Games
Game interface was minimized both in visual and in control so players focus on what matters.
By simply swiping anywhere on screen to control, the game was designed to be played easily with one hand.
Profit Model
3-level incentives are structured to invite players to play more, and pay more.
Crater is completely free to download and play. Players acquire times to play by watching ads or purchases.
Current Level
Requires users to watch ads or make in-app purchases to acquire numbers of times to play.
Next Level
May be unlocked by user in order to skip the Current Level through in-app purchases.
Further Levels
Can be unlocked only after the completion or the in-app purchase unlock of the Next Level.
Global Achievements
Top 20 in the U.S.
Top 10 in China
Editor's Choice in France
Before any paid promotions, Crater was top ranked on the App Stores in different countries / regions. Crater was translated into over 8 languages and is available over 145 countries.
Press Recognitions
Crater received approvals and was recommended by different editors worldwide.
Editor's Choice
Editor's Choice
Editor's Choice
Editor's Choice
Third-party trademarks mentioned on this website are the property of their respective owners. "SECStudio" is a registered trademark pending of SECStudio in the U.S.. "Crater" is a trademark of SECStudio. Patents Granted and/or Pending. Visit the website of SECStudio to view the most updated terms and privacy policy. Access to Vimeo is required to view part of the works.
© 2019 Zihan Chen